Although some of their criticisms are off the cuff, many are planned and vetted& making it impossible to argue that they lack the corporate seal of approval. 虽然有些批评之辞是即兴说出来的,但是也有很多是事先设计好的,甚至是事先经过了审查&以便不被别人抓住小辫子,说他们公司嘴上缺个把门儿的。
But corporate China is all about chops& which is why steal the seal is popular with disgruntled executives. 但对中国企业来说,公章意味着一切&这就是为什么心怀不满的高管往往窃取印章。
The fiction of personality is maintained for such institutions by giving them a corporate seal which operates as their signature. 这些机构通过给他们法人的公章就像他们的签名一样获得法人人格的假设。
"if authorized by a body corporate possessing a common seal, under the seal of the body corporate;" Carrier pilots can now access all divisions of their ships corporate hangar without the required corporate roles. 如由拥有法团印章的法人团体授权,该书面证明须盖有该法团的印章;航母飞行员无需军团授权便能操作舰船公用机库中的所有内容。
What the diplomats and corporate chieftains in their bestial stupor can never understand is this paradox of history: With triumph, the aggressors seal their defeat; 外交官与企业家在他们的醉生梦死之中,永远都不可能明白这个历史的悖论:随着侵略者的胜利,他们的失败将会被尘封;
BVI Business Company formation, all primary documents and corporate seal. 英属维尔京群岛商业公司的形成,所有主要文件和公司印章。
The responsible person of Party A shall sign and stamp the agreement with the business seal and the legal representative or authorized person of Party B shall sign and stamp the agreement with the corporate seal of the company. 甲方由有权签字人签字并加盖业务章;乙方由法定代表人或其授权签字人签字,并加盖公司法人章。
The corporate seal management system which based on workflow is Internet-based management information system, its core is the B/ S structure. 基于工作流的公司印章管理系统是基于Internet的管理信息系统,其核心是B/S架构。